Hafele Bedroom
The increasing incidents of space constraints and a growing desire to maintain a lavish lifestyle has modified the intrinsic needs of the customer when it comes to home interiors. Häfele's Range of Bed Systems addresses this need of space-efficiency through its range of space-saving yet elegant bed systems. Our range includes different systems for different applications like Pratìk - a bed storage system; Aladino - an innovative vertical hide-away bed system and the Hidden Bed System – a space-efficient desk-cum-bed system.
The Pratìk Bed Lift Storage System is the answer to all storage needs; it is a smart solution for turning a cluttered master bedroom into a relaxing retreat. Pratìk allows for two types of elevation functions i.e. Horizontal Elevation Function and Complete Opening Function.
Hafele's new hide-away bed system Aladino is designed specially keeping in mind the current Indian housing scenario. This hide-away bed system is the perfect way to add more usable living space to your room. Use the same room for sleeping at night and functional use during the day.
The Hidden Bed system by Hafele gives you the option of creating a study room and converting the same space into a bedroom at night. The seamless operation of this system gives you the option of using the desk for your study or work during the day and then converting it into a single or double bed at night without moving any of the objects from the desk.
Häfele also brings to you 3 fold sofa cum bed fittings: Remus & M6 Meratoile with sweet comfort and unmatched functionality. It is a great addition to a small room in your home. To complete this range, we also offer to you TV Lifts, Cabinet Lifts and swing up tables with unique functionalities.
Source: https://www.hafeleindia.com/en/info/products/furniture-fittings/bedroom-fittings-accessories/5309/
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